National Family Benefit Scheme

This is a fully Central sponsored scheme. Under this scheme Central assistance of Rs.10, 000/- will be provided to household below the poverty line on the death of the bread winner of the bereaved family. For the purpose of determining Central assistance the following criteria should be taken in to account.

i)The bread winner will be the member of the household whose earning contribute to the total household income.
ii)The death of such a bread winner should have occurred while he or she is in the age group of 18 years to 64 years, i.e. more than 18 years and less than 65 years.
iii)The bereaved household must be below poverty line.

The Sub-Collectors are the Sanctioning authority and sanction benefit on the recommendation of the B.D.O.s/ E.Os.
The family benefit will be paid to such a surviving member of the household of the deceased who after due local enquiry is determined as the head of the household.